The Animal

The animal

It wants to be let free

Both the white wolf

And the black wolf have been eating

Their flax seed

They have been biding their time

Waiting for your


To lead you


To the black river

Only seen at night

For the moonlight shimmer

Is what shows you to see

The depths and currents of the black river

Now the wolves healthy and free

They want you to dive in

Abandon your old self

And become a new you

Jump into the abyss say yes again

It has not led you astray

And it will not again

Everytime you are here

It is tougher and greater

But everytime you grow stronger

Proportional to the next yes necessary

The wolves have grown with your efforts

Both are important

Both can be ally or foe

It is you who makes the decision

Through your actions and care

Or lack thereof

So you know by how you've treated your wolves

You know by their state

You have laid the foundation for which allows you to not only find the black river but also say yes to it

in the moonlight